On May 30, 2024, at the SM MOA Arena, TXTFIRE Philippines proudly participated in the First Fire Volunteers Assembly, themed “When Flames Ignite, Heroes Unite!” This significant event brought together dedicated fire volunteers and highlighted the invaluable contributions they make to fire safety and emergency response in the country.

Representing TXTFIRE Philippines were Royce Gerik Chua (Revas Alpha), Jeffrey See (Patriot 24), and Jeffrey Alitagtag (Revas 2). The assembly, commencing at 6:30 AM, was a gathering of heroes who have consistently demonstrated bravery and commitment to protecting communities from fire hazards. Local government officials, including Secretary Benjamin Abalos from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), graced the event with their presence.

Recognition and Awards:

TXTFIRE Philippines, along with other volunteer organizations, was honored with plaques of recognition for their tireless efforts and significant contributions. BFP Fire Chief Puracan, Deputy Chief for Operations Kwan Tiu, and BFP NCR Regional Director Tarroza presented the awards, underscoring the critical role of fire volunteers.

Event Highlights:

  • Acknowledgment of Volunteers: The assembly recognized the efforts of the 10,806 fire volunteers who supplement the less than 5,000 organic BFP firefighters. The stark contrast in numbers emphasizes the essential role that volunteers play in ensuring fire safety.

  • Firefighting Resources: The event highlighted the disparity in firefighting resources, with 832 volunteer fire trucks compared to the 293 BFP fire trucks in NCR alone. This significant difference showcases the vital support that volunteer organizations provide.

  • Theme and Message: The theme “When Flames Ignite, Heroes Unite!” encapsulates the spirit of unity and heroism that defines fire volunteers. It serves as a reminder of the collective strength and dedication required to combat fire emergencies.

A Message from TXTFIRE Philippines:

“We are deeply honored to receive this recognition from the Bureau of Fire Protection. This assembly reaffirms our commitment to serving our communities and working alongside the BFP to enhance fire safety and emergency response. To all TXTFIRE 41’s para sa atin ito!”, said Revas Alpha.


The First Fire Volunteers Assembly was a landmark event that celebrated the courage and dedication of fire volunteers. TXTFIRE Philippines remains steadfast in its mission to protect lives and property. The event also highlighted the critical need for collaboration between volunteer organizations and government agencies to ensure a safer Philippines.